Monday, August 15, 2011

Keep calm and...

I have been a bit neglectful of my blog and although I would like to say I have been too busy to post that is simply not true.  I have been busy, but not too busy.  I can't even claim to have writer's block - this time last week I had a fantastic idea for a post, based on a meditation of yoga as story. Now the key idea eludes me, and I hope it will come back but if not, oh well - that is simply the price I have to for letting it slip away in the first place.

Today I found myself fighting tears on my yoga mat, during forward bends of all poses.  I had a lot of tightness in my lower back and my left hip was a little sore, but my tears came from nowhere, connected to some old inner sadness.  Dom encouraged me to speak to Cerissa afterwards and she said it was perfectly natural and not simply some emo chick thing as I feared (I hate the thought that I am weak).

I think my lack of posting is related.  I am avoiding something, but I am also wary about making a big deal out of it.  It seems with yoga given time and space these ills heal themselves - without specific mental effort or therapy.  I don't know, I really don't.  But I will yoga through it and try my best to post through it. Maybe we will all learn something new.

Holding on and letting go

"Life is a balance of holding on and letting go." said Rumi (apparently, I didn't check the source).  I find this is particula...